Hook balls travel a more shallow arc and is cause by a closed clubface which decreases loft. When the clubface strickes the ball with this closed clubface the trajectory is lower and a longer roll to the ball when it hits the ground
A slice, on the other hand, results from the clubface being in an open position causing the ball to travel in a steeper arc. Accompanying this higher arch is a side-spin and back-spin. What you wind up with is a soft hit high flying ball that will bounce to the right when it lands.
Fixing the Golf Fade/Slice
“Habit is a cable; we weave a thread of it each day, and at last we cannot break it.” – Horace Mann, educator
Four of the main causes of slicing are:
hands too tight on the club
reverse weight shift
poor shoulder turn
taking club away outside
Correcting a golf slice is one of the most common errors that an average player makes and correcting it will shave points off your game. By practicing some basic golf swing tips and instructions you’ll surprise yourself. Practicing the proper grip, stance and correct mechanics will make all the difference
You should have a firm but relaxed grip. Your hands can't rotate at impact if your grip is too tight, causing face to be open.
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The proper golf stance has your shoulders aligned at your target with a feet planted as wide as your shoulders. This gives you a good base. Practice your stance by keeping your right foot pointed straight, your left foot slightly to the left and your elbows held natural.
Most players are out of position before they ever take the club back. You need a good base. Without it you out of position before you even take the golf swing back. This causes you to make compensations in your golf swing. Your shoulders have to fit inside your feet as you address every full shot. Most players feet are too close together causing twisting and turning.
Your shoulder need to turn and your weight shift to the right at the top of the swing. If your weight and shoulders don’t shift, your body will be ahead of the ball and the club will open at impact. The top of the swing needs to be in the swing plane to prevent slicing rotating through the hitting area. You need rotational crossover with the left arm rotating with the right arm throughout the impact area.
If after checking your stance and you find yourself still slicing, play the ball a bit farther back when you are in your stance. This changes the impact position of the clubface and decreases the loft even though the clubface is in an open position. Also keep your elbows together as your motion continues through in the hitting area.
Make sure club is moving inside and keep your center moving to help prevent a slice. Aiming left at address will not cure slice - it will only cause more left-to-right spin.
To encapsulate:
1. Check you stance and your fundamentals
2. Have a good grip
3. Keep your elbows together in the hitting area
4. Keep your center moving and rotating
Fixing The Draw/Hook
A low hook is easy to correct. Just place the ball more forward in the stance. But first scrutinize the mechanics of your stance before making the easy fix. With the ball placed forward of the stance the clubface reaches the ball slightly after reaching the bottom of the arc so you’re hitting slightly on the upswing.
If your ball is too much forward you’ll get a high flying hook.